Thursday, February 01, 2007

the words aren't coming

i'm not really sure what to do right now.
i'm not quite immobilized, but i am unsure, and that's almost like having ropes around my legs. and tape across my mouth. but quite there though. i need to learn how to depend on leadership and, in turn, how to truly lead. i think that i need scissors. but scissors don't work very well to chop down fences. then again, there's no harm in trying, and if the fences are thin enough then i'll have not too bad a time of it. but if they're impenetrable, do i look for an ax? do i pass the scissors along? do i hold on to them until the fences age and become brittle? do i dig underneath the fences? why are there so many options.

put simply i wish i could speed up time a couple weeks.


Blogger Suzanna said...

Jacob got his new name because he wrestled with the angel of God.
a whole nation got his second name-Israel.

I've been reading Matt 5-7. He says, in essence, "be love, do what comes natural" We could spend a lifetime on these words alone....
check out Mt 6:34 in The Message

I love it when you write stuff

10:57 PM  

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