Thursday, September 07, 2006

so's i don't forget

this morning was rad.
rad morning don't occour too often. for that matter, mornings themselves don't occour none too often either.

anyway. so the cats are running around on my legs at 630. so i decide to fade in and out until its time for school. so. my mom calls at 825. i picks up and she's in yorba linda getting the cats fixed and spayed. so's i was like crap, how'm i gonna get to school. so she drives back to get me and she got here at like 840. i got to school the earliest i've even gotten there.

so i've missed class the last two sessions, so i say's to abdel, i says, "what'd i miss?" so he says, "oh, not nothin, none. oh wait we have a test." and i was like, "oh, haha, what's it on, and he was like i dunno... but you need a scantron. do you have one?" and i was like, "crap, no" and then he was like, "well you need one, you can get em from the store, over that way. (he indicated in a direction)" so i says, "i didn't even know that there was a store that way!" and so he says, "do ya want me to go with you?" and i humbly said "yeh" so we goes and gets a scantron. and so i thanked God for abdel this mornin.

so the test goes easy. i gets outta class at 945, and i discovers that my mom was back out in yorba linda. so i leaves a message at the house and starts roaming the downtown wastes. it's a nice morning. not too terribly hot yet. so anyway. i'm walkin past fullerton high. i stops off at mcdonalds and buys a chocolate shake ($1.82! can you believe that!?!). then i keeps goin down chapman. this fellow and i cross paths, and i'm totally expectin him to be all thuggy. so we pass and he says "it's stinkin hot!" so i says "yeah it is"

this leads me to my next tangent. i think that i racially profile people. i don't wanna do that. the fellow with whom i riefly spoke was african american, and was wearing a wifebeater, thus i expects him to be a thug? even by today's fractured logic that don't make sense none. so i inted to stop describing people as being black or asain or mexican (unless they're alain or jala or harrison the asain).

so's anyway. i'm walkin down harbor, and this man takin his baby for a walk wishes me a good mornin' so i says, "thanks, you too!" so i gets about halfway down harbor, and then i calls my house and my mom's home. so i comes home.

anyway. the moral of the story is that there are still cool people when you're walking from school to nowhere in particular. thank God for those people.

i hope you all had as good a morning as i did. don't forget to thank God if you did. and if you didn't, then thank God anyway.

and just so's i don't forget this either: joel bond is great music


Blogger Suzanna said...

all that wonderfulness and then a link to the boy. check out Joel Higgenbottom's blog for a similar story (on my link list).

I'm so glad you don't drive!!

8:09 AM  

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