Monday, May 25, 2009

induced by something like despair and ee cummings

the i
is far less
than the Thou
in length
in being

the i
is far less
than the Thou

the i
is in the

the i
is fragmented
casting fragmented light

the Thou
is the light

Lord God
You are the light
break my body
in ways which cast your light
as colors as beautiful
as everything
that is not

Lord G-d
is the dash
in your title
a sign of our respect?
a sign of our fear?
is it a sign of our love?
is love afraid to call
itself by its title?
should i be wary of
defaming your name
by being bound to you?

i believe that you are holy
and i believe that you are good
but how do you allow there to be
an eternal place for the evil?
will hell be flooded with your cleansing rain?
the i is not even large enough
to understand the THOU
is it?


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